Friday, July 30, 2010

Vintage Bicycle Lust

I saw a woman at the farmer's market a couple of weeks ago with the most beautiful vintage bike. I don't remember the make but it was burgundy with a leather Brook's seat and a wicker bike basket. Since then I have wanted to get a vintage bike of my own. I researched where I could get one in Boston and found this place. I think I want a black Raleigh or Triumph. I can't wait to go and check out their inventory to see if I can find my dream bike.

Accessorizing would come next. I found this adorable bike helmet (and this one too) and this pannier, of course the Brook's saddle and I love these braided leather handle bar wraps. And I can't forget a bicycle basket!

The only problem is that I am afraid to ride a bike in Boston traffic and there aren't bike lanes here. I thought it was illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk in Boston but a quick look into the bike laws and I was proved wrong. Hooray, bike shopping here I come!

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