Friday, July 30, 2010

Vintage Bicycle Lust

I saw a woman at the farmer's market a couple of weeks ago with the most beautiful vintage bike. I don't remember the make but it was burgundy with a leather Brook's seat and a wicker bike basket. Since then I have wanted to get a vintage bike of my own. I researched where I could get one in Boston and found this place. I think I want a black Raleigh or Triumph. I can't wait to go and check out their inventory to see if I can find my dream bike.

Accessorizing would come next. I found this adorable bike helmet (and this one too) and this pannier, of course the Brook's saddle and I love these braided leather handle bar wraps. And I can't forget a bicycle basket!

The only problem is that I am afraid to ride a bike in Boston traffic and there aren't bike lanes here. I thought it was illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk in Boston but a quick look into the bike laws and I was proved wrong. Hooray, bike shopping here I come!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Some Dinosaur Love

I took the day off today and what better way to start the day than with dinosaur pancakes. It was my first time using the molds so it took some getting used to. Some of the dinos ended up with no tails, some with no legs. But armed with my recipe for the best pancakes ever, they were delicious despite the lack of appendages.

The Best Pancakes Ever

1 cup sifted all purpose flour
2 tbsp. baking powder
2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 beaten egg
1 cup milk
2 tbsp vegetable oil

Preheat griddle to 400 degrees F. Sift together dry ingredients and set aside. Mix together liquid ingredients. Add dry ingredients to liquid and beat smooth. Bake pancakes on griddle, turn when sides are bubbly. Makes eight 4-inch pancakes.

I recommend making a double batch so you have leftovers because you will want to eat them for dinner too!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Treasure Hunting

Last Saturday I went to a yard sale at Curtis Hall. They have one with a few dealers every other Saturday. I try to go to each one even if I don't have any money to spend (torture!) I mostly buy from a dealer named Kat. She always has wonderful vintage, whether it be clothes, jewelry, accessories, or sewing items. I have been buying from her for a while now and she is always very good to me. The weather was miserable this particular Saturday, 90+ degrees and the sun was scorching. But I made off with a few treasures. A velvet cape, fabric, two pairs of earrings, and a small purse- all of it vintage!

Then I walked down to the Jamaica Plain Boomerangs thrift store (I work at the West Roxbury location every other Saturday) There were more vintage treasures to be had!

{sorry for the bad pic I was having issues with the flash}

An angora sweater, a sewing/knitting book from 1956, and a coat pattern. Vintage goodies are my favorite! Looking forward to the next treasure hunt. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Go Away Summer

Dear Summer,

Please don't think I don't appreciate you, I have enjoyed your warm days filled with sun but now I would like you to go away. I am sick of your heat waves and scorching sun. You make me sweat and drain my energy. I know in February I will be asking you to come back but please don't hate me for being a fair-weather friend.



Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mittens and a Spritzer

The weather in Boston has been oppressively hot and humid. It has zapped my energy, fried my brain, and my creativity has gone out the window, hence the shortage of posts. I have been trying to stay as cool as best as I can which brings me to a question, how do you stay cool during a heatwave? I have been locking myself away in my air conditioned bedroom as much as I can, drinking pomegranate spritzers, and knitting mittens. Yes, I said mittens. I constantly have to keep my hands busy and I have been trying to use up some leftover yarn before I buy anything new. The mittens will go with the slouchy beret style hats I knit in the early spring and never got a chance to wear. I can't wait for the brisk air in October. Autumn where are you?

Pomegranate Lime Spritzer

1/4 Pomegranate juice
3/4 lime sparkling water (orange works well too)
twist of lime

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Vintage Motherload

Every other Saturday I work at a thrift store called Boomerangs. I work in the warehouse where all the donations come in and get sorted. My job is solely to sort through bags upon bags of clothes. As I have stated in past posts I am in love with vintage, especially vintage clothes. The benefit of working in the warehouse is that if there is anything that strikes your fancy you can put it aside and buy it at the end of your shift. As if that wasn't a good enough benefit, employees get 50% off of clothes and 30% off of hard goods. This weekend I struck the motherload of vintage though I just photographed my very favorites.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Sketchbook Project

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

It arrived! The moleskine sketchbook for the sketchbook project 2011 arrived in my mailbox this week. I don't really draw, that's why I became a photographer, though I used be able to when I was in grade school and junior high. I even won a poster contest when I was in the third grade! I am not sure what happened but by the time I was in high school I was having a lot of difficulty drawing. When I was in my freshman year of art school I failed my life drawing class and had to repeat it over the summer. Learning to photograph helped me "see" again and my perspective was much better. By the end of school I was able to draw again but it never came back as naturally as it did when I was younger.

I haven't tried to draw since art school. I keep trying to get myself to sit down and try but much anxiety prevents me from doing so. I feel like I will be back in my life drawing class and won't be able to draw-- I don't want fail again. I was recently very inspired and this is such a cool project, I feel that it will be good for me to get out of my comfort zone and grow as an artist. And hopefully prove to myself that I CAN draw! I don't know how my sketchbook will turn out but I will post my progress as I go along. Please check back often.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Another Man's Trash

I must confess, I have been known to pick things out of the trash. I am actually a third generation trash picker. My grandpa is the first generation and he was mostly after scrap metal to use for welding. My father is the second generation and the best picker out of all of us. The things he finds are incredible. I don't have a car so sadly I have limitations but just look at what I found last week on trash day. I think the suitcase is from the forties and is in incredible shape except for a broken latch. Considering the age I think it has faired well.

I have a collection of old suitcases that I started collecting when I was in high school. I love to decorate with them. They have an eclectic look and they are great storage when closet space is limited.